Blob Ball

Newest Version: 0.16.1b

Blob Ball is a multiplayer soccer game with several characters, each with a unique ability. Check them out below!

Kick, block and boost your way to victory as you duke it out with friends!

A regular blob with no powers, yet he dared to aspire to greatness using intense training techniques passed down through the generations.

Quirkless Blob is the first character you acquire! Quirkless has no ability but his other stats are really good!

Fast, strong, and hotter than Hell, Fire Blob brings the heat to the field!

Fire Blob is the second character you acquire! Fireball is its ability, and it speeds up the ball a lot!

Slow and steady, Rock blob's patience in unrivaled, but don't push him too far or his Spire will push you!

Rock Blob is a defensive character unlocked early on! While slow, Rock Blob is quite tanky and has unrivaled defense!

KO your opponents into orbit with Boxer Blob and his signature move, Starpunch!

Boxer Blob is a character acquired further into the game! Boxer's playstyle largely revolves around scoring KOs!